The first thing that we did within this process and production lesson was split into the groups that we would be working with for this process and production lesson. Once we had done this we then had to pick out a word at Random, that we would be working with for this lesson. The three words that we had to pick out at random were "L'Imagination Prend Le Pouvoir" The words that we could choose at random from were known as Imagination Takes Power.
My group picked out the word Pouvoir which was the last word of the sentence, so within this task we were going after the other two groups. before starting the task we were given we had to go back to our tables and produce a design from each person that was in our group. These designs would then be voted by the whole class in order to determine which designs would be used for the final piece. Once we had all done this we then to place all the designs on the floor for everyone to look at. We then had to take three post it notes to use to vote for our favourite design of each word. After we had done this we then had to see which of the designs we would be using for the final piece and the stop motion animation that would feature our final pieces and transitions.
I was really pleased with how my design turned out because I am starting to like type a lot more as a Graphic Designer. I think that I am learning a lot about the style and developing my skills in this area. Overall I got 5 votes for my design, but the design that won the majority vote for our group was my friend Cath, whose design I voted for because I really liked the design that she had created.
After the vote was made we then had to work out how we would produce the design of the word at a larger scale using 30 sheets of A3 paper. One point that allowed us to make this a lot easier for us to create the design was the sheet of paper that we had originally created the design on, as it used a grid to help us work and scale the design a lot better. Before painting the design we firstly had to draw out the design using a pencil, as their were 7 of us we were each allocated a letter for us to draw out. The letter that I was given was the second "O", at first I found it quite hard to draw the outline of the "O" because I think there one of the letters that I find tricky to draw. This is because I can never draw a perfect circle. However in the end I finally got the basic shape of the "O" I was then able to complete this for the design.
Once we had drawn out our letter we were then able to start painting the design in which we had created at a larger scale. Before we could start painting the design we were then asked as a group to choose a colour t random from Blue, Red and Yellow. The colour that our group chose was Blue, I felt that this colour worked and fit well with the word and design that we had created. After choosing the colour we were then able to start painting the design. I found that this task was very interesting as I felt that the task we had been given was exciting and very different to the other process and production lessons we had throughout the year.
After we had painted the word I felt that the colour allowed the design to stand out and look very bold and bright, but also very powerful. When we had finished this we then had to wait for the other two groups to complete there photographs and transitions for the stop motion animation that would be the final outcome of this process and production lesson. Before doing our transitions and photographs we had to think about how we would like to present our design on the wall by thinking about how we would put them up and take them down, which allowed us to look at the transitioning of the design.
Overall I really enjoyed this Process and Production lesson with Nick, I found that this lesson was very interesting and allowed me to expanded on my skills in a way that is very creative and different to the other Process and Production lessons that I have.