Monday, 7 March 2016

Monday Morning Lecture - Week No. 28

Within this lecture we looked at the topic of Modernism and constructivism. Within this lecture we will also be looking into graphical imagery. We firstly watched a visual response from a film by Hitchcock called Psycho. Within this film the film had a weird visual, as it was hard to understand where the film was set. It is a powerful and nice type of film, I thought that this film was strange and quite hard to focus my eyes on because the film keep shuddering and skipping from two different versions of the film that had been created for this film. We then watched a calmer version of the two films mashed together from the two versions of the film ran side by side. On the left side you could see the Hitchcock version and on the right the Gus Van Sant. This is modernism film making against postmodernism film making. I thought that the second film that we were shown allowed me to understand what was being displayed on the screen a lot better than the first clip that we were shown.

We then talked about Periodisation. Periodisation is a simple process that is dividing an annual training plan into a set of manageable stages. After this we recapped on Modernism and Postmodernism. We then moved on to talk about Immanuel Kant about how he regularly thought about different points. Modernism introduces a crisis of representation, the style of a image that a camera is a straight of a representation using a grid. Invention of the camera but it is also a question of realistic science. We then looked at a piece of artwork by Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (1907) de-FORM-ation. African Masks, Subject Matter (Prostitution) Violence to representation. Picasso wants to acknowledge this aspects of the world. This image isn’t unified as objects blend in with the background. There is an act of cubism as people can’t see this image from different angles.

Cubism – Simplification of Shapes/Planes. Multiple simultaneous Perspectives. Synthesis of space and figures. Synthesis of movement, Temporal distortion of figure. We then had to think about the video that we were shown in a couple of lecture ago were we watched the film that the camera zoomed out and zoomed in to our bodies. We looked at pieces of artwork, which were Analytical Cubism and Atypical- but still cubist. We then looked at the camera that is used within athletics to understand who has won a race. This is known as a Photo Finish. Once we had done this we then looked at Tension in Cezanne 1904, Find a unified field theory unedifying the variably of perception. 1904. Inherit variability of effects of motif.  We then see a tendency towards abstraction, as artists start to remove things and they start to think about more simplified representation. You have to try and find new ways to be an artist. Piece of work that we have looked at today has all used a piece of representation and has tried to find a new way to be shown. Early modernism of representation is shown entirely different to now.