Within this Business Lecture we were shown how to write the perfect Curriculum Vitae (CV), in order for us as students to be prepared to apply for jobs and placements that we will want to take or do within our or after our university course. Below is the perfect structure that we follow to create a good CV.
We should firstly start out by writing our:
Name and contact details
- Your Name
- Address
- Telephone (Personal Mobile)
- Email (Uni and Personal)
- Webpage (Portfolio)
Age - clarifies how old you are
D.O.B - clarifies when you were born
Status - Single, Relationship
After this:
Education - Most recent first
the University of Huddersfield - course
- from/to (give date of expected graduation)
don't put in the grades, grades can tell something about me. this may under sell my self
College - etc
Skills - such as computer literacy (programmes specific?)
Driving Licence
Further more:
work experience - date, organisation and job
couple of sentences explaining this.
most recent to the top
Hobbies and Interests - be brief
Don't put down that you like socialising
Referees - work and academic reference
After writing out our CV for ourselves we also need to write a cover letter for each job or placement that we apply for, it is important that we always change the cover letter for each job and placement, so that it fits the firm and it is for that firm that you are applying for.
The final part that we looked at within this lecture was I.P, which is known as Intellectual Property. This is like a copyright protected symbol to show that it is your own work. We also talked about:
Intellectual Property Rights
People Own what they create
Idea, Brand, Invention, Design, Written work, Song, Performace etc.
So how do you protect yourself?
I found that this Business Lecture was very interesting because I was able to take a lot on board for when I am creating my own CV and cover letters for the place that I am going to be applying for my Placement Year.