Within this lecture we watched the film known as Helvetica that was created in 2007, which was directed by Gary Hustwit. This film focused on the type face known as Helvetica, how the typeface has become one of the most popular typefaces to use in the world and how it affects our lives. Within the film it features the artists Massimo Vignelli, who was famous for the New York Subway Map and Rick Poynor, who is a british writer that focuses on typography and graphic design. The font style focuses on how the font style has been used for many different brands like the American Airlines, Jeep, BMW, Toyota and more. Helvetica is a sans serif font style that I think is very bold and effective, which was originally known as Neue Haas Grotesk. The font style then changed it original name from this to Helvetica.
I think that this film was very interesting because it allowed me to see how the font style has become more popular and famous over the years. I also found the documentary very interesting because it is allowed me to see which of the most famous brands have used this font style over the years.
I think that this film was very interesting because it allowed me to see how the font style has become more popular and famous over the years. I also found the documentary very interesting because it is allowed me to see which of the most famous brands have used this font style over the years.