For the first part of this lesson, I decided to look at the typefaces that I created in the previous lesson because I wasn't sure which of the typefaces that I wanted to create as my final alphabet. I found that the first typeface that I had created was a 3D typeface, which I thought was very different to the other fonts that I had created. I felt that this design was very different, creative and effective, however I feel that this font style is the best design to take forward for my final design because I feel that I could create something that was a lot more creative and different so it would stand out. I then decided to look at the other two font styles that I had also created in the previous process and production lesson, I found that these font styles were too simple, which I feel could be a lot more effective. This is because I could something a lot more creative and would stand out a lot more and would attract the target audience to look at my design and final typography transcription alphabet. I taking these font styles into consideration, I felt that the typeface that I wanted to create for my final alphabet could be better, the tools that I decided to use to create my final design was Graph paper, pencils, ruler and fineliners. I thought that these were the best tools that I should use to create a professional and creative font style for my final alphabet.
After deciding to create a brand new typeface, I decided to something a little more creative that would stand out well to the target audience. I think that it is important to create a type face that is bold and effective because you need to be able to attract the target audience very easily. For this typeface I decided to use the Graph paper to help me to create a perfect and professional type that measures out correctly, I think that the new font style that I create for my final alphabet was very different to my previous font styles because it was bold and stood out well, I also thought that the font style was very easy to read and see, which I think is very important when designing so that the design you create won't cause problems to the target audience that you are aiming at. I found that when creating some of the typeface I found it quite difficult to produce some of the letters because I found that they were quite tricky to draw these letters where c, k, m, s, x and z. I found these letters quite tricky at first, however I did come up with a solution which allowed me to create a perfect letter design for my final typographic transcription. To improve this design even further I would consider to look at creating Uppercase letterforms for my typeface, to look at making the typographic transcription a lot better and more productive and creative.
The photograph above shows the final typographic transcription alphabet that I created for my final task in my last process and production lesson with John for drawing. Overall, I am happy with how this task and font style has turned out in the end because I think that the font is very bold, effective and stands out well to the target audience that I am aiming at. I also thought that this process and production lesson was quite fun and different, after it finally came together and when I was able to create a bold typeface for my final task.