Friday, 14 October 2016

Seminar #3: The Research Question - Polina Zioga

Following on from the previous seminar that I had with Polina, I had to research further into my chosen subject that I wanted to look into for my Presentation. the first part in this seminar was that we were told that our blogs are like an electronic and digital notebook or sketchbook that we can use to write notes where we can look back at for future reference.

Within this seminar we looked at the next stage of the presentation, which was the research question. The research question is the question that will develop into questions and answers of how to answer your question and subject that you will be looking into. So what are the important points that the research question is used for?

  • It is used to Narrow down your investigation, which is important. 
  • It reminds you about the subject that your looking at, which recycle terms and words.
  • It also reveals how you will investigate your research subject
We need to summarise our subject to find out the background and the basics of the subject that we looking into. I am interested in.... 

We need to follow a process to find out what our research question will be, to do this you need to look at the Research subject then the Research title, after this the Background and Literature Review of the subject that you have chosen. You should then able to think about a suitable Research question that you will have to consider answering. We are not the same and we need to make more comparisons, this is an important factor. We told that we need to gather relevant images for your chosen subject and compare these to others, so to do this I am going to look into my subject even further to discover facts and the background of what Film Design is. I had to think about what part of Film Design that I want to research into further, as film design is a really board idea. I then thought about Title Sequences and how they have changed from the past to now. I thought about whether there is similarities or if there is differences between the two, also has the technology that has used for this affected the way that the title sequences are produced now compared to the past. I then came up with my research question from these thoughts and ideas, which is: 

"How has technology affected Title Design in Films between the 60's and Now?"  

I thought that this was really good research question, as there is a lot of points that I could look into for this question. For my next seminar I have to make sure that I have a draft of my presentation to look at, so if there isn't anything I need to improve on I can. I found that this seminar was very useful because I was allowed think about the subject and I finally have an idea about what I need to produce and the subject that I need to research.