Monday, 19 October 2015

Principles of Graphic Design.

Principles of Graphic Design.

This seminar we looked into the principles of Graphic Design and Animation, what they mean and why are the so important to us as designers. We did this because we have a better understanding of the principles of design and why they’re very important when we use them to help make are design work better. I thought that this lesson was very useful, as wasn’t sure on the principles of Graphic Design and Animation at the start of the lesson, however once the principles were explained, it became clearer to me what the meant and why they’re so important. The part that I thought went well in the lesson was being taught something new, that I could now use to help me produce better work, which is more professional and presentable so that the target audience will understand my work more easily.

Principles of Graphic Design and Animation are:

Alignment – Alignment is when all the objects or on the writing placed on your design is visually connected together. Alignment allows structured layout that is well presented and makes the design look professional.

Contrast – When creating your design work, you need to have objects or a piece that will stand out from each other, this is known as contrast. As you will have range of object that are different sizes, fonts or even colours.

Repetition – Repetition is when there is consistency of either a text or an object throughout several designs that you have created. For example, if you use a line down the side of you page, you have to use it for each design to create repetition and consistency.

Proximity – This is where you have to move objects further apart or closer together to create an effect piece that will catch the attention of the target audience. When moving the object this will also allow the design to look more organised, presentable and well structured.

Balance – Is a way that is used to create visual patterns using specific arrangements on your design work.

White Space – This is the space between two objects on your design, for example the space between some text and a design object.

• Visibility – It Is very important to look at the visibility of the design, as you want the design that you have created to be easy to see by the target audience.

In this lesson I learnt a lot about the principles of Graphic Design and Animation. But the question is why are they so important to us as designer. The principles of Graphic Design and Animation are very important to us as designer because it allows us to produce professional and presentable work. Following the principles will allow your work to be consistent and easy to understand by the target audience that I will be aiming the design towards. 

In the future I think that these principles will allow me to produce presentable and more professional work, that will catch the attention of the target audience very easily.