Thursday, 1 October 2015

Process and Production - Harry Potter Book Series Illustrations

This was our first process and production lesson with Sara, I found that this lesson was very different because it allowed to look at programmes and websites that I hadn't used before where I was able to improve on my skills and new skills that I had started to learn about. Within this lesson we had to create our blog, where we will have to upload our work to show what we have been working on throughout the year. We then had to create a vimeo account, which would allow me to upload my animations show that other people would able to see and look at. In this Process and Production session, we looked a design studio called From Form from the Netherlands that are based around creating short animated films, title designs and commercials. The first task that we were given in this process and production lesson was to create a 10 second promotional trailer for a book or a life event of your choice. After looking at this design company I found that this was very useful. The video that we were shown by the design company From Form was made using two different styles, which are digital and handmade. The film that we were shown was very inspirational, as it got me thinking about how I could create my own advert for my book or book series. 

These are some of the Illustrations that I have been creating, as part of an advertisement for a book. I decided to create my advertisement on the Harry Potter series. I chose to do this series of books because it has lots of imagination and creativity within the books. I feel that my Illustrations are good, as I have tried to include lots of detail within my designs, so that I can get the best possible outcomes for my book advert.

I wanted to be consistent within my work because I wanted my designs to connect well with each other. The Illustrations that I have created for my book advert all have detail to get the best possible outcome, so it is easier to understand what the objects are. 

I felt that this task went quite well, as I feel that the Vector Illustrations that I created were very detailed and turned out a lot better than I had hoped. As I had spent a lot of time on these Illustrations, as I wanted them to look professional and well presented in my book advert. The programmes that I used to create my design was Adobe Illustrator. The part I thought went well in the process of creating these Illustrations were using the Pen tool to create them, I found using the Pen tool easy to use, which allowed me to create the best possible outcomes for my Book Advert based on the Harry Potter Series. 

 There was one point that could have been better from my Illustrations, which could have been the font style that I had chosen to use for the text because I think that after creating my Illustrations the font style that I have chosen to use is not the best. However I do think that the font style is very bold and easy to read by the target audience that I am aiming my Book Advert towards.

If I was to improve these Illustrations even further, I would look into using different styles of artwork to compare how they compare against my Vector Illustrations, that I have created for my Book Advert. I could then also analyse, which styles work the best and would create the best outcomes for my Book Advert. I could also look into merging some of the style together to create an effective piece of artwork.  
This is one of my Illustrations that I have created for my book advert, which is the Harry Potter Series. The piece which I have created above is a Chess Piece. I chose to create the chess piece because it is relevant to the first book called ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone’. The part I like about this Vector Illustration is that the Illustration I have created is very detailed and makes the design stand out and is very easy to understand what the object is. 

To create my Vector Illustration of the chess piece, I used the programmes like Adobe Illustrator to create the main design and the detail, which I included on the design. I also used Adobe Photoshop to create the layout of how my design will look in the book advert.  

Overall I am pleased with how my Vector Illustrations have turned out in the end, as I didn't know what to expect after creating them on Adobe Illustrator.