The first part that we had to do was create a new document in Adobe InDesign. To create a new document I had to go to File > New > Document. We then need to change the size of the document using a pixel perfect size, we then set the document to a custom document or to do this we had to write 360px in both of the height and width box for the document to be. I had to make sure that the intent of the document was changed from print to web. I then had to make sure that the facing pages symbol was tick so this would then create a booklet for my document. I also had to change the pages from 1 to 4 because I would then have two pages on one side and two pages on another side. We learnt that we always have to work in a multiple of four for print. I then had to change the gutter to 0px and the margins to 20px for the top, bottom, left and right. I also wanted to make sure that there was bleed that I could work to, so I decided to add a 5px bleed to document.
I then modified my menu by taking my pages menu from the main tool bar and snapping the menu to the side, which enlarged the menu, which I found was better and easier to see. I then double clicked on my masters page to add my guides to the whole document to do this, I had to follow the process Layout > Create Guides. I then had to make sure that the number of rows and columns were both 12 and the gutters for both were set to 0px. The last part I had to do in this set up was to change the fit guides from margins to the page.
I then selected back onto the page one of my document. I then followed the process of View > Grids and Guides > Show Grids, a grid then appeared on top of the document that I had already created. The next part I had to do was go to preferences, which I could find under the InDesign tool menu. I then selected the grids selection under the preferences menu. This then popped open a menu that opened up the grids section of the menu. Within this menu I had to change the horizontal and vertical selection by changing the gridline every to 30 px and the subdivisions from 8 to 6. I was then able to select the ok button.
Paragraph Style > New Style > Click on the new style > popped open a menu > called the style name body text > had to select the hyphenate option > un tick the hyphenate box.
After this we applied the body text to the placeholder text > double click on the menu again > indents and spacing > align to grid all lines.
Preferences > grids > change the increments to half what it is already so mine was 12px to 6px. If you are working with pixel perfect you need to click on preferences again > units and increments > change the cursor key to 1px. this will then change the layout to a more professional. Once this is selected you will be able to move this design 1px each way. After this we had to make sure that our snap guides was on my going to view > grids > snap guides.
We then moved onto creating the album cover by placing the album cover onto the first page of the document, file > place. Again I had to snap a menu from the tool bar, this time I selected the layers menu, I then created a new layer on the menu, after this I then locked out the first layer. I then to draw out the geometric shapes on the layer and create the colour palette for the design. To create the circles I used the ellipse tool. For the rectangle I had to use the rectangle tool. To add the colour to my colour swatch tool menu I had to use the eye dropper tool to select the colour that I wanted, after this I had to double click on the colour in the bottom left corner to open up the colour menu, to add the colour to the menu I then had to select the add RGB Swatch button. I then selected the swatch panel and to create a new colour swatch folder to add the colours that I had been using for my design. I then made sure that I dragged the colours that I had used into the folder. I then had to change the layer names to the the objects that I had created.
I then used the align tool, to make sure the alignment of the circle were correct, to find the tool I had to go to window > object and layout > align. I then made sure that the circle were exactly the same as the circle on the previous cd cover that we were recreating. The font style that I used for the design was Ariel Black because I wanted the design to be the same, as the design that we were recreating.
I then used the align tool, to make sure the alignment of the circle were correct, to find the tool I had to go to window > object and layout > align. I then made sure that the circle were exactly the same as the circle on the previous cd cover that we were recreating. The font style that I used for the design was Ariel Black because I wanted the design to be the same, as the design that we were recreating.
After I had done this, I then added a new page to add a photograph of a Count and to place the image onto the page, I had follow the process of file > place, where I was then able to find the photograph that I wanted to show on this page. The page that I used to place the image onto was page 5, however when placing the image onto the page, I had to resize the image in order for it to fit on the page. I then had to crop the image to the size that I wanted and the part of the photograph that I wanted to see on the page. On the previous page, I had to again create a header text using the same process that I had used to create the body text, the font style that I decided to use for this header text was Helvetica Bold because I thought that this font style was like the name very bold, stood out well and was easy to read, which is very important.
I then had to create two new pages, by using the add a page button. On the second page that I had created, I had to create black background using the rectangle tool. Once I had done this I then had to add another chapter heading, that displayed Swing of Chance, I had to modify the text slightly in order for the target audience to read the text, which was from Black to White. To place the video file above the text onto the page that I had created. On the opposite page I again created a text box with place holder text.
We then had to save the document and export the file as an interactive PDF, at first my document didn't work, as the video file didn't play. However, I then noticed that I hadn't got the programme Adobe Acrobat on my laptop. So I had to install this on my computer in order for the file to work. We then return to the document to create a table of contents, to do this I had create two brand new pages, I then changed the settings as we were told and selected the ok button. This meant that when the design was interactive PDF clicking on the name would take you to the location of the file in the document.
The final part that we did in this process and production lesson was to create interactive buttons, to do this I had to follow the process window > interactive > button and form. After this a pop up menu would appear on the screen, this then allowed me to change the settings of the buttons, I had to select the rollover tool and select fx > inner glow > ok. This meant that when the file was a PDF the file would show a glow inside the buttons I had created. The final task was to again save my document and export it, as a interactive PDF. Once I had opened it in Adobe Acrobat the file worked perfectly.
I am happy with how this Process and Production lesson went and I have learnt a lot of new skills in Adobe InDesign that I haven't seen and used before, which will help me in the future when designing my own design work.
I then had to create two new pages, by using the add a page button. On the second page that I had created, I had to create black background using the rectangle tool. Once I had done this I then had to add another chapter heading, that displayed Swing of Chance, I had to modify the text slightly in order for the target audience to read the text, which was from Black to White. To place the video file above the text onto the page that I had created. On the opposite page I again created a text box with place holder text.
We then had to save the document and export the file as an interactive PDF, at first my document didn't work, as the video file didn't play. However, I then noticed that I hadn't got the programme Adobe Acrobat on my laptop. So I had to install this on my computer in order for the file to work. We then return to the document to create a table of contents, to do this I had create two brand new pages, I then changed the settings as we were told and selected the ok button. This meant that when the design was interactive PDF clicking on the name would take you to the location of the file in the document.