Monday, 25 January 2016

The problem of representation in Art and Design - Part 2

The first part that we did in this lecture lecture was to recap on what we learnt last week. In today's session we will be looking at Immanuel Kant and his life in more depth and his core ideas.

Immanuel Kant

  • Critique of Judgement (1790)
  • Critique of Pure Reason (1781)
  • Noumenal + Phenomenal
  • The Critic (1963)
Noumenal is suppose to be more chaotic, noisy kind of world. We then wondered why don't we perceive that chaotic world, as we linked this to the book called the Critique of Pure Reason written by Immanuel Kant, I think that this was a very good point that was made because we should always look at the world in a perfect and we should be aware about what is happening in the world and around us now and everyday. 

We then looked at piece of artwork from the book The critique of Judgement, we found that the structure of the lens and it displays the structure of the world, which means inspire and space. 
Kant says that everyone has the same structuring of the world, so we experience everything in the same way. Kant reasoned his way to think like that because he never really his house. He was the first core theist of representation, he was interested in overwhelmed experience and uncomfortable experience. Kant has two ideas which were the sublime and the beauty.


Dynamic Sublime - Is experiencing the force of nature.
Mathematical Sublime - Is the thinking of infinity. 


Is the bounded object, free play of faculties, we can learn something about preferences of our representational system (modernist aesthetics).

Postmodern design will challenge most types of modern design.

We then looked at several videos the first being Powers of ten (1977), we had to bare in mind how hard it is to hold certain categories and why is it hard? I found that this video was very factual, the video displayed what it looks like form the earth surface to millions and millions of miles away. The video then focus on the same point but it looked at the skin of a human. The final tips that we were told to do in this lecture was to have a look at data visualisation:
  • Anti sublimity
  • Sublimity
  • Hybrid Forms
I found that this lecture was very helpful and allowed to me to gain knowledge of points that I haven't heard about before, which will help me in the future.