Monday, 11 January 2016

Objective based visualisation drawings

For this Process and Production lesson, we given a task of drawing different objects that had been placed on three separate tables in the room that we were located in. The first part that we had to do before being split into separate groups we had to gather our materials that we wanted to use to create our objective drawings within this lesson. The materials that we gather to work with were A2 sheets of Paper, Pencils, Fine liners, Oil pastels and Coloured felt pens. Once we had chosen our materials we then had to choose, which of the tables we wanted to start with, as they were all different. These included a Letter Blocks table, Cardboard Table and a Machinery and Technology table, the table that I decided to start out on was the Cardboard table because I felt that this would allow me start off with an easy drawing, as I wanted to improve as the drawing lesson went on.

We were told about three categories that we had to focus on when drawing our object on the tables that had been presented to us, which were Line Drawings, Textured Drawings and Tonal Drawings. I found it very interesting and fun to work with the different materials and the different categories to create new sketches through different medias that I wouldn't normally work with.

This was my first drawing that I had done for this table, for this table I spent most of my time trying to make sure that this drawing was perfect and correct to the way that it had been presented to me on the table. I firstly started off by looking at the categories line and tonal, as I started off by drawing the basic outline of three cardboard boxes that were stacked on top of each other to create the basic outline of the design, I had to use a pencil and ruler to work out the position of each line to create the correct feature of the cardboard box. Once I had got the basic structure of the design, I was then able to use a bolder pencil to create bolder lines that would highlight and create the shape of the boxes. After I had completed this I was then able to add shading to the design to create tonal features, however if I had more tim I would have added tonal features to the rest of the design using Coloured felt pens. In the end, I was quite pleased with how my design looked overall because I felt that the drawing I had created look a lot like the boxes that I was meant to be drawing, which gave me a lot of confidence to draw objects that were more difficult than these objects.

The next table that I moved onto was the table that included that included boxes, old fashioned bags and old fashioned machinery and technology. I found that this table was very different to the one that I had just been on because I found that this table had a lot of items, that I found more challenging to draw. The first object that I started off with was a green and brown cardboard box, I felt that this object was the easiest to start off with before attempting objects that would be slightly more difficult, as I wanted to get into my element to draw these objects. I started out by drawing lines to get the basic structure of the box using pencils and a ruler, once this was complete I was then able to use a fine liner to highlight the lines so I could see which sections of the box, I could add colour and texture too. The material that I decided to use for the box, were Oil pastels as I chose this material, I noticed that there was a brown colour to match the box, so I came up with a substitution that was Yellow, I also used the colour green to match the box. When using this material, I found the material hard to work with because i didn't like the texture of the material when I had to blend the colour to create a effective texture.

Above are the other drawing that I created whilst I was on the table, I found that the other objects that I had decided to draw were quite easy. I felt that whilst I was on this table a lot of my drawing skills were improved, as I had taken a lot of time to produce the drawings that were professional and would stand out well. In the end I was happy with how my drawings turned out because I took notice of how the objects had been presented to me on the table, as I had taken my time to draw these designs I felt that the drawings I had create were realistic and look exactly like how I had pictured before drawing them on the paper. One of the points that I wasn't best pleased with though was the green and yellow box, as I felt that I could have added a lot more detail to my work. To improve my designs further, I would re draw the box to add more detail and change the material that I used to add colour to the design to create a more professional and tidy look to the drawing. I would also try to add tonal and colours to the other two designs, to how they would look if Coloured felt pens or Oil pastels would look when added to the drawings that I have created. 

When then moved onto the final table, which was the table which featured the Letter Blocks. The first letter that I started to draw was the letter R, this was because it was easy to see and and I liked how the letter was 3D, which would help me to look at producing my design very differently to the other letters that I was looking at. I liked this design because it was easy to draw, I decided to keep this design very basic and simple and just use one material, which was a pencil. However I thought about if I was to improve this design even further in my own time, I would try add colour to the design to brighten up the letter and attract more people to look at my design work. 

This was my final objective drawing that I decided to create on this table, which was a Letter S. when drawing this design, I did find the design quite difficult to start with because I wasn't sure how to create this design, so I decided to draw a grid that would help me to understand and create the Letter S that I wanted to draw on paper. I started off by drawing the grid 12 blocks down and 7 across, after this I decided to plot points of every edge that I could see onto the grid system, I was then able to use a bold pencil and ruler to connect every point together to create the Letter S. I found that this task was very fun and different to the other drawings that I have produced. To improve this design even further, I would try to create this shape into a 3D object and add tone or colour to the design to attract the target audience and brighten up the drawing. 

Overall I am pleased with how this Process and Production lesson went, I also feel that my drawing skills are defiantly improving every time, I try to draw something. I also keep telling myself that the practice makes perfect and my drawings will look good if I carry on improving.