Within this seminar, we were told about what we should bring to Friday's studio session, which was to bring your idea about what you could create for eight of the tracks on unilearn. We were told to make a plan and include what techniques you want to use. We were also told that next Wednesday session would be about how to write an essay. For the next lecture we had to look at all three text by next Monday's seminar, which were Culture/Subculture, Branding and Anti-branding and Prequel/Sequel. For this task we had to deconstruct them all by printing them off and making notes about each of the articles. We were also told that for our essay, we would have to look at our own references by either reading an article or watching a documentary or more. The first part that I need to do for this essay was to choose a question that I want to work with. We were also told that we should use on the one hand and on the other hand, we should look at names of people that you haven't heard of. Another important point that we need to look at for this essay is the structure and the layout.
I think that this seminar has been very useful, as it is very helpful on what I should do when writing my essay.